This important fair where wine producers meet is in Milan every year.
This important fair, where wine and fruit and vegetable producers meet, is held every two years in Bordeaux, France.

ProWein is the only international trade fair that covers the complete world market. Correspondingly international are the visitors. And these are exclusively connoisseurs of the industry, because the controlled admission means that there are only professionals among themselves at ProWein. Traditionally, it's all about business at the order trade fair from the initial conversation to the high number of business deals.
Luxepack, one of the important fairs of the Perfume and Cosmetics industry, is in Monaco every year.
This important fair, where cosmetics and perfume producers and buyers meet, is held in Dubai every year.
Eurasia Packaging Fair; where solutions for packaging machinery and equipment are exhibited together; It is the most preferred commercial platform in the region with more than 1200 participants and more than 60.000 visitors.